When we “connect the dots” between other community organizations, we empower families and foster high quality early childhood services in Arapahoe County. In 2018-2019, we especially worked to grow quality support for early childhood professionals, supporting more sites with more hours of coaching than before.
2,264 home visits with vulnerable families
4,237 hours of coaching to Quality Improvement sites
126 early childhood programs and centers served
Learning & Development
We all know that the first years of life are an incredibly important time.
90% of critical brain development happens before kids get to kindergarten. This brain development is highly influenced by experiences kids have when they are little. When we support quality in early childhood, we’re encouraging generational success in our community.
In the current system, kids can still lose out on crucial emotional and social growth, which puts them at a disadvantage later in life.
But we know that all kids could benefit from high quality early childhood programs and support. Poor, disadvantaged, or dual-language kids often benefit the most from quality care. Foundational research projects like the Abecedarian, Perry, and Early Training Project show that high quality programs lead to:
Increased school attendance
Less criminal activity
Higher incomes as adults
Our learning and development initiatives support early childhood programs and professionals throughout Arapahoe County, giving them tools and support to improve quality of care and grow in their career.
We offer coaching through the Colorado Shines Quality Initiative, workforce development trainings, Expanding Quality in Infant/Toddler Care courses, and ongoing professional development opportunities. When providers have support navigating Colorado Shines, our state’s early childhood rating system, they can improve business practices and focus on giving the best quality care to their kids.
We believe in the importance of educating our early childhood workforce and providing support on their quality journey.
Family Support
There’s no perfect training manual for being a parent.
In today’s fast-paced world, parents and caregivers face more pressure than ever. Modern-day families are more likely to be single-parent households, face increased pressure to balance work with their kids, and often struggle finding child care that’s both affordable and high quality. These are problems for every family, regardless of income level.
Our goal is to promote and share knowledge and connect and empower families so that they are valued, healthy, and thriving.
Studies show that children who have access to quality early childhood experiences are more likely to:
do well in school
go to college
earn more money
and own their own homes
Our family support programs help ensure the well-being, health, and development of kids, families, and our entire community in Arapahoe County.
We offer a variety of family support programs that connect and empower families with knowledge and strategies they need to thrive. Our programs include in-home visitation programs, child care referrals, and advocacy and resources for families in need.
Our resources and support help ensure the well-being, health, and development of kids and families in Arapahoe County.
You Can Make a Difference
When you support Arapahoe County Early Childhood Council, you are helping to ensure that Arapahoe County families have access to high quality early learning and support and that the early childhood professionals who work with our families have the training and education needed to excel.