Colorado Shines
Quality Improvement
When providers have support navigating the early childhood rating system, they can focus on giving the best quality care to their kids.
About Quality Improvement
As a local early childhood council, we administer the Colorado Shines Quality Improvement (CSQI) grant for Arapahoe County. Our program offers quality incentive funding and coaching to centers and homes throughout the county.
From the beginning caregiver to the seasoned professional, we provide support for all programs regardless of Colorado Shines rating and give YOU flexibility to design quality improvements that work with the unique needs of your program.

What can you do with the Colorado Shines Grant Funds?
Colorado Shines Quality Improvement grant funds can be used for individualized coaching, professional development training, temporary teacher funds, early learning materials, and more.
In Arapahoe County, child care programs get hands-on support from our in-house staff. We work with directors and staff on topics like:
Center Safety
Business Practices
and more
Visit your Colorado Shines portal and apply today or reach out to our Quality Improvement team for assistance with the application process.
Quality Improvement Menu of Services
Our goal is to provide support for all levels in Colorado Shines and give providers the flexibility to design and build quality improvements around the unique needs of their program.
Coaches cover center safety, curriculum, business practices, and more. We also connect directors and staff to ongoing training to stay up-to-date on best practices and changes in local and state policy. Make sure to take advantage of all our different services, wherever you are in the rating process.
Colorado Shines Level 1 Support Services
With Level 1 programs, we primarily focus on achieving a Level 2 rating. We help with:
Support around the Colorado Shines Application, including specific guidance for filling out a program profile, the Children, Workforce, Classroom, High Needs Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), and Quality Indicator Assessment information
Assistance with navigating the Professional Development Information System (PDIS)
Technical assistance/coaching support
Professional Development opportunities
Colorado Shines Level 2 Support Services
We provide the following services for programs with a Level 2 in Colorado Shines:
Support with Colorado Shines Application updates
Ongoing assistance with navigating the Professional Development Information System (PDIS)
Help with Level 3-5 Documentation
Credentialed coaching towards best practice and quality improvement in your classroom
Curriculum and assessment guidance and implementation
Ongoing Professional Development opportunities
Individualized classroom support based on evidence-based tools such as the ERS tools
Colorado Shines Level 3-5 Support Services
Once programs have achieved a Level 3 or higher, we provide support to maintain high quality and sustain your Colorado Shines Rating by providing:
Support with Colorado Shines Application updates
Ongoing assistance with navigating the Professional Development Information System (PDIS)
CLASS assessments and coaching based on Level of Readiness
Strategic coaching to sustain a Level 3-5 rating or increase a rating
Ongoing curriculum and assessment support
Ongoing growth and development opportunities
Mentor Level Status in our program
Expanded Eligibility Opportunities!
ACECC is excited to announce that the Colorado Office of Early Childhood has expanded the eligibility requirements for their Colorado Shines Quality Improvement grant. If you weren’t eligible in the past, please take a look at the new criteria. There’s a good chance you’re eligible now for coaching and funding to improve your program!
Here are the new requirements:
Your program must have a Colorado Shines Level 1-Level 5 rating AND meet one of the following requirements:
Serves a high needs population that meet any of the following definitions:
A child with a disability or developmental delay under age five who has an individual family service plan (IFSP) or an individualized education program (IEP) or medical care plan
A child who has a home language other than English (English language learner
A child from a household meeting income eligibility criteria for Colorado Child Care Assistance Program
A child who is migrant and meets the definition of “migratory child” in elementary and secondary education action (ESEA) section 1309(2)
A child who resides on Indian lands
A child who is in foster care, kinship care or receiving services through the child welfare system
A child who is eligible to receive free or reduced-cost meals pursuant to the provisions of the federal National School Lunch Act
A child who is experiencing homelessness or frequent relocations to new residences by the child’s family
Drug or alcohol abuse in the child’s family
A child living in the home with an abusive adult
Either parent of the child was less than eighteen years of age at the time of the birth of the child
2. Willing to serve children who qualify for Colorado’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) and hold a fiscal agreement
Do you qualify under this new Expanded Eligibility?
Contact us today to get started on your quality journey!

Emerging & Expanding (E&E) Grant
The Emerging and Expanding Child Care Grant Program is a state grant announced in early 2021 that aims to expand access and availability of licensed child care throughout the state.
Grant awards support:
The expansion of open and operating child care centers or family child care homes
Or the start-up of a new child care center or family child care home
Costs may include but are not limited to staff training, background check fees, cleaning supplies, educational supplies, and capital and facility improvement costs. Grant awards range from at least $3,000 to no more than $50,000. Eligible entities located in a child care desert will be prioritized.
Child Care Licensing Specialists and Early Childhood Councils are providing support at the local level, including offering consultation to prospective programs on how to become licensed and assisting existing child care programs to expand their licensed capacity. If you are already participating in our CSQI program, your ACECC coach can help you with your application.
If you have questions and do not have an assigned ACECC coach, please contact us!