Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care
Every child deserves high quality care.
The Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQ) Initiative is offered in partnership with the Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Child Care. Our primary goal is to increase the quality and availability of responsive care for infants and toddlers throughout Colorado by:
Strengthening the skills and knowledge base of early childhood professionals working with infants and toddlers
Building capacity and promoting systemic change to foster increased quality and availability of care and services
Supporting leadership and collaboration at the community level
Facilitating professional development for infant toddler professionals, particularly those who are teaching or coaching infant toddler teachers
EQIT builds on the knowledge and experiences of infant toddler caregivers
through interesting, interactive and fun learning experiences. EQIT modules include:
Exploring Early Learning
Nurturing Language and Discovering Literacy
Babies in Motion
Understanding and Respecting the Gifts of Culture
Welcoming Children with Special Needs
Making a Difference with Relationship-Based Care
Celebrating Our Profession
The Wonder of Infancy
Responsive Caregiving for Healthy Relationships
Our Partners, The Families
Cornerstones of Quality Care: Health, Safety, and Nutrition
The Power of Places and Spaces
Day-to-Day the Relationship Way: Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
We offer EQIT training multiple times throughout the year, with classes typically starting in the fall or winter/spring. Our classes are currently offered for $50.00, and provide 48 hours of training. If you don’t see an EQIT training listed on our Trainings & Workshops page, that means that all spots are filled. Sign up for our newsletter or contact us to be notified when a new class is available.